My new website, exciting developments and what to expect from Sophie Angell Marketing 

Exciting news: My new website is now live!

I am so happy to finally be able to share with you my new and improved website! It’s been a long time coming!

I’ve had a website ever since I started my business, however, this is the first time I have actively invested in getting one made for me.

Being able to invest in having a website custom-built and designed for me is a really big step and truly reflects the business growth I've had over the last few years and the elevation of my services (which in case you haven't heard have got a makeover of that own, you can read more about that here).

Having this new website represents so much to me so I wanted to dedicate this blog to talk about the process of developing the website, why I've done it and what it means for Sophie Angell Marketing and of course, all of you!

Why I invested in upgrading my website

As I said, my business has gone through a period of growth and elevation over the last few years and as a result of this, I have had more money to invest back in my business which I am truly grateful for. 

The reason that I chose to invest some of this in having my website designed for me is that I wanted my online branded presence to be consistent across all of my channels. I wanted my website to really reflect everything else going on in my business and I knew I needed to work with a designer to solidify my vision. 

I’m in my eighth year of running Sophie Angell Marketing now (you can read more about that here!) and I’m no longer playing it small. 

I’m focused on driving my business forward and taking it to the next level so I wanted my website to reflect that!

For me, a big part of this is about stepping into my values and what I believe in as a business owner and finally creating a space where people can get access to the knowledge and resources that help them market their business. 

With that being said, there are a few new things you can expect on my new website! 

What to expect from this new website 

There's a lot you can expect from my new website. Of course, you'll be able to keep up with the blog, find out more about my business and view my services suite. 

However, my new website is also going to act as an educational portal for you to use to help develop your marketing skills so you can grow your business.

My goal is to make marketing more accessible for everyone, no matter what stage of your business journey you’re at. 

You’ll be able to work with me directly through my done-for-you and done-with-you services, but you’ll also be able to access more free resources and DIY marketing materials to help better your business yourself!

Soon I'm going to be launching a Facebook Ads Course which is very exciting and I will tell you more about that very soon but for now, you’ll be able to find freebies on my website and of course, lots of marketing advice on the blog!

Other things I’m celebrating 

A large part of being able to develop my website, expand my services and finally start to create a nice, supportive and central space to help people grow and elevate their business is due to the growth that I have had.

So I want to take a moment to celebrate that!

I've recently become VAT registered, I’ve developed my offer suite and have some amazing people working with me now such as VAs, copywriters, designers and photographers who support both me and my clients!

I’m so excited for this next stage of my business journey and I can’t wait to keep sharing everything I learn along the way with you.

If you want to make sure you’re up to date and don’t miss out on everything that’s going on, be sure to sign up for my email list here and of course, check out my new website and let me know what you think!


Introducing my new services suite: Your ticket to first-class marketing 


8 core moments in my 8 years of business