Monthly Digital Marketing

This is your ticket to take off to your dream business destination. All your monthly marketing created and implemented for you.

The monthly digital marketing map provides you with an aligned and agile marketing strategy, executed by our experts each and every month. 

Boost your visibility and your bottom line with our premium monthly marketing service. This holistic, all-encompassing marketing strategy and execution is designed to support your ENTIRE marketing ecosystem.  

We give you the gift of headspace to show up and serve in your zone of genius, knowing your business is getting the best from you.

What’s included in the
Monthly Digital Marketing Map

Weekly email newsletter

Aligning your content strategy and keeping your business fresh in your audience minds.

Open and direct communication

Open communication via a selected channel so we’re able to discuss ideas when we or you have those lightbulb moments. We’ll be proactive, allowing your business to lead the way.

Social media inbound engagement

We monitor your social platforms 1x day to reply to any tags, comments, enquiries so you don’t leave any money on the table, keeping the conversations alive whilst the leads are hot.  (Mon - Fri) 

60 minute virtual strategy session every month

Designed to meticulously map your marketing, creating a multi-platform cohesive and aligned strategy for maximum impact that will set your sales soaring.

Your approved copy is scheduled on up to 3 platforms

You’ll have peace of mind that your socials will never go silent and you’ll never have to worry about posting again.

1 blog post per month

Designed to boost your SEO, so your content will rank higher in Google’s search results.

Your own content calendar built for you

So you can see exactly what’s happening and when, all whilst building out your own powerful content bank, saving you time and energy so you won’t always have to reinvent the wheel.

Social media paid ad campaign 

Applies to 1 social platform - up to 3 campaigns per month - Reach your target customer quicker and nurture them through to conversion and reengagement, increasing your monthly revenue.

Monthly marketing report

Delivered and discussed each and every month, so you’re able to invest in the areas that matter most. 

20 social media content pieces

Including the copy and creative (A mixture of Posts, Carousels, Stories, Reels). Designed to create a consistent social presence, so you can increase your visibility whilst maximising the platform's functionalities. 

Lead magnet + 3 part email sequence

(One every 4 months)

 A unique Sales Funnel that sells,  integrated into your Ad Campaign, giving you more time in your day as your automations support you. 

The Investment: Monthly Marketing £2500 + VAT

monhtly digital marketing services for business

The benefits

  • You have an aligned and agile marketing strategy in action in the places your ideal customer is hanging out. 

  • Your marketing activities are supporting each other and generating a consistent stream of sales.

  • Your content speaks to your ideal customers' pain points and desires, providing them with a clear transformation. It’s converting and overcoming any buyer objections.

  • You have a consistent social strategy suited to your business, so you can show up and serve. 

  • You have a recognisable brand across all platforms. It’s reflected across your socials, ads, emails, website, PR and more! 

  • You’ve nailed your Ads formula and keep it in constant review to ensure you aren’t overspending on your cost per acquisition. Make the money make sense! 

  • Your email is building and nurturing a waitlist of ideal customers ready to buy when your latest offer drops. 

  • Your email marketing is optimised with automations and segments allowing you to reach your customers when it matters most to them. 

  • You understand your analytics, identifying opportunities for further investment.

This is not for you if…

  • You want to take short cuts. 

  • You micro-manage and you’re not prepared to listen to our guidance and advice. 

  • You’re happy to copy and paste someone else's strategy.

  • You haven’t allocated and prioritised a marketing budget.

This is for you if…

  • You’ve allocated a marketing budget that you are willing to go ALL IN on because you recognise that marketing is a fundamental piece of your business development. 

  • You’re ready to trust in the experts. You’re happy to grant us creative and strategic freedom to do what we do best.

  • Your overall business processes are streamlined and you’ve nailed your customer journey.  When the leads come in, you know what needs to happen next and who is responsible for what.


  • Looking at the bigger picture will get the best results. This monthly marketing service has been created to help you look at your marketing holistically. You need to think of your marketing as connected rather than separate pieces. Our strategic thinking will be put to waste if we only focus on one small piece of the puzzle.

  • We’ll always try to work to your budget. You might be surprised at how little you need to spend to start to see results. We’ll work to make the number make sense so that you see a return on your investment.

  • Run, don’t walk. We highly recommend collecting your own email database. This is your OWN data that you can use without the risk that the audience could disappear into thin air overnight (seriously this is a real possibility with social media).

Relax... Your Monthly Marketing is taken care of