How To Collaborate On Social: Expand Your Audience And Authority 

If you're planning to elevate and expand your business this year one of the best ways to do this is through collaboration

Collaboration has enabled me to expand my audience, grow my network and even build new businesses and develop a wider variety of services.

The easiest way to do this… is to use your social media to collaborate!  Here’s how to collaborate well so both parties involved, and their audiences benefit.

Let's get started! 

The Benefits of Collaboration 

When it comes to creating content for social media you can absolutely only post your own content and still be successful.

But there’s so much more power in collaborating with others.

Not only can it help you to expand your reach because you can connect with other people's audiences but it can enable you to solidify your authority in the space.

If you're able to collaborate with the right people you can elevate each other's presence and give each other a wider platform to share all of your knowledge.

This isn't to say that you have to collaborate with everyone and anyone, in fact,  I  don't recommend that at all, but planning a few collaborations a month with the right people can be really beneficial for your business.

I know I mentioned earlier that I have previously collaborated with people to create new businesses and services but that's not what I'm talking about in this particular blog.

However, if an opportunity to collaborate with someone else in this way arises I would 100% recommend considering it!

So you might be thinking, how do I create content that is going to boost your online presence and elevate your business as a result? 

Easy content collaboration ideas

There is a whole variety of ways you can collaborate with other amazing business owners on social media but here are a few of my favorites:

  • Create a joint post- Think about a topic that is relevant for both of your audiences that you can both offer deep insight on.  Create a collaboration post together that you can both share on your accounts.

  • Instagram lives- Instagram lives are a great way to collaborate with other business owners.  One of you could interview the other or you can talk about a joint topic that is relevant for both of your audiences.

  • Go on each other's podcasts- This creates a great opportunity for both of you to interview the other on their area of expertise.

  • Write a guest blog for someone- This is another amazing way to share your expertise or give another person's audience insight into who you are and what you do.

  • Instagram story takeover- This is a really fun way to introduce yourself to someone else's audience. You could take over their stories and they could take over yours for the day and you could both share the behind-the-scenes of your daily life.

  • Create a joint Reelor TikTok-  This is where you can get creative and really clever with your transitions!

Tips for successful content collaborations 

Collaboration can be amazing for your business, however, you want to make sure you are collaborating with the right type of people and going about it in the correct way.

Most people are often really open and receptive to collaborating but if you want to make sure the collaboration is successful here are a few tips to make sure everything goes smoothly.

  • Build a relationship with the person you'd like to collaborate with before asking them to collaborate. You don't have to spend months and months building a great friendship with the person but they're probably more likely to be open to collaborating if you've interacted a few times before you ask to collaborate.

  • Make sure their target audience is the same as your target audience. You don't both have to be offering the same service but perhaps one of you is a graphic designer and the other one is a copywriter who helps beauty businesses.  Making sure you have the same target audience means your collaboration content will make sense to both sets of audiences.

  • Make sure you have some crossover values. If you both value running your businesses in a certain way or you have particular values that you both share it's more likely that your collaboration will be successful because you'll both approach it in a similar way.

  • Stay organised. When you're creating content with other people you want to make sure you're both on the same page and know exactly what is happening and when. Have clear dates in mind for when you're going to create the content and when it's going to be posted.

  • Have a few ideas in mind before you reach out. This is now super easy for you because you have a list of ways you could collaborate with someone in this blog! 

The most important thing to remember about collaborations is that they are only going to happen if you make them happen.

So don't be afraid to put yourself out there because amazing things happen when we all work together.

I challenge you to reach out to one person in your audience this month that you think would be perfect to collaborate with! 

Don't forget to let me know how it goes over on my Instagram.


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