Podcast Perfection

Plan, promote and repurpose your Podcast

From idea to implementation, we help you create content your audience wants to hear,  building your authority as an expert in your field and increasing your visibility and listenership.

How our Podcast Perfection package works


A virtual content planning session to plan up to 24 episodes. We dive deep, outlining your core topics, episode overview, key guests. 

Know exactly what you’re recording and when with a schedule for recording and publication built into your fully editable AirTable base. 

You’ll receive a written Podcast Intro ready for you to record, designed to hook your audience increasing your Podcast plays. 

Your podcast will be planned to perfection, so you will create a loyal listenership. Your listeners will set their reminders, because they won’t dare miss an episode release.


Your Podcast cover will be designed to stand out and capture the attention of your target listener.

Receive 2 x social media posts per episode designed to drive more traffic to your Podcast. 

You’ll receive at least 10 soundbites per episode so you’ll always be building your content bank. 

Your Podcast will be promoted to perfection so your listenership will grow, attracting and engaging ideal customers that will want to work with you. 


We’ll deliver multiple content pieces that will form your complete marketing strategy. 

Up to 240 content pieces per 24 episodes (on average 10 content pieces per episode)

Up to 1 x blog per episode

Up to 1 x email per episode 

Your podcast will be repurposed to perfection, your content bank will be packed so you’ll never have to produce a piece of content again.

podcast management

Benefits of our podcast perfection service

  • Your podcast is planned to perfection, aligned with your wider marketing strategy, delivering a subscribe worthy schedule that your audiences won’t dare to miss, resulting in a growing listenership and greater brand visibility. 

  • You get more time back in your day. You only have to spend time recording the episodes and you’ll receive a multi platform content calendar. 

  • You can sit back and relax knowing your business is visible without you being present every single day. You’re able to  book that last minute flight, giving yourself permission to slow down. 

  • Your content is packed full of education and value, affirming your position as the go to expert in your industry. 

This is not for you if…

  • You’re not committed to recording your Podcast episodes.

  • You don’t like to plan and be prepared.

  • You’d rather do it yourself.

This is for you if…

  • You’re serious about Podcasting and are ready to invest.

  • You recognise the opportunities that podcasting can bring. 

  • You're ready to be seen as THE authority in your industry, with your podcast 'hero' content meaning you get seen EVERYWHERE from just one piece of content.


  • Our content repurposing experts will pick out the key points of your Podcast and repurpose and adapt them so that they can be used in your social, email and blog content.

  • Yes, you will still need to record your podcast episodes. The better quality podcasts will be created using microphones and headphones. We can recommend options to suit all budgets. Or ask us for our podcast product recommendations.

  • During your content planning session we will discuss what strategy will suit you and your business goals best. On average 24 episodes should carry you through 4-5 months based on the release of one episode a week after launch.

Plan, Promote and Repurpose my Podcast