5 Lessons I’ve Learnt when it comes to Outsourcing successfully

In 8 years of running my business, I have always had my own website that I’ve built myself. Until this year that is!

I’ve now managed to grow the business to a point where I was able to invest in the areas I wanted to. One of these was having my website designed and built for me!

After growing my business to this point where I’m starting to make more investments in not only things like my website but in expanding my team as well, I’ve been having a lot of thoughts and have learnt a lot about this process.

So here are the lessons I’ve learnt from outsourcing as someone who has invested in my business myself and as someone who other people invest in.

Lesson 1: Your pace isn’t going to be the same as everyone else so stop comparing yourself

As a business owner, it can be very easy to compare yourself to others in your industry and those outside of your industry. 

But here’s the thing, you have to learn to be patient with yourself and stop comparing the speed of your growth, to others. 

Firstly, because you are on your own journey and timeline. It’s important to do what’s best for you when the time is right for you, not because you think that’s what you should be doing. 

Secondly, you don’t know what other people's timelines and business journeys look like. It’s not news that not everything you see on social media is real and the same goes with what people present in their business. 

If you look at my business now, you’ll see a shiny website and a team. But it’s taken 8 years to get to this point. Some people get there in 2, others get there in 15 and some never reach that point (or don’t want to!). 

So run your business at your own pace. 

Lesson 2: Investing is worth it, but only when you’re ready

Investing in your business is without a doubt, worth it. IF it's the right investment for you and where you’re at because it can help you drive your business to the next level. 

It’s important to remember though, especially if you’re just starting out, that you can still run a successful business without paying for everything right at the beginning.

In the online space you see a lot of people who are growing rapidly, are outsourcing to a lot of people, and have their websites and funnels fully built out from the start. But you don’t need all of that from the get-go and you aren't behind if you don't (remember what I said in lesson 1!). 

It’s also okay if you get to a point where you can outsource everything but you don’t want to…

Lesson 3: Be selective 

Even when you are ready and want to outsource, you don’t have to outsource everything.

You can pick and choose the bits you enjoy and are good at and have expertise in. 

Being your own boss means you have the luxury to choose which bits you want to do in your business and what parts you want support with. 

This is exactly what I’ve done with my new website. I really enjoy writing copy, so although I have a copywriter on my team, I wrote my website myself because I like doing it! 

However, I’m not a website designer and I knew the design of my website would be better and more functional if someone else did it, so I outsourced that. 

Lesson 4: There is room for everyone in this space

One thing I see quite frequently, especially in the online space is a lot of bitterness that I really don’t like. 

This stems from seeing everyone in your industry as a competitor and although technically speaking, they might be, there is more than enough room for everyone to thrive! 

It also enables such growth and that is often overlooked.

Recently, I had a VIP day with a fellow marketer, someone who I really look up to in the space, and it was amazing! Instead of seeing her as someone who could ‘steal’ clients, I viewed her as someone I could learn from and that day has already helped my business so much!

Collaboration over competition. Always. 

(P.S. If you agree with that and what a supportive space to hang out, learn and collaborate with other amazing marketers, check out The Marketing Beach Club!

Lesson 5: Streamlining doesn’t mean narrow services 

With my new website has come a lot of reflection around my offer suite and I’ve streamlined a lot of my services!

However, this doesn’t mean the service my clients receive is no longer tailored to their needs.

Although I’ve streamlined it, my packages will still be incredibly personalised to your strategy, deliverables and goals!

The streamlining simply means it’s easier for me to define who each service is for, the benefits it provides and the results they can expect to see.

You can check out my new service suite here!


6 ways you can market your business successfully outside of social media


Introducing my new services suite: Your ticket to first-class marketing