6 ways you can market your business successfully outside of social media

I'm just going to say it…marketing involves more than simply posting on social media!

Now, that doesn't mean that social media can't be a core part of your marketing strategy. However, if you want to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that is actually going to move your business forward and help you meet your goals, you need to be thinking about the bigger marketing picture.

Because here’s the thing: social media is great for increasing your visibility but sometimes, simply posting a few times a week isn't enough to attract dream clients and increase your sales potential.

That's not to say that social media can't be a good lead generation tool because it absolutely can,  but it is primarily a visibility and brand awareness tool.

It’s a great way to bring people into your business and start moving them through your other awareness funnels to conversion.

But often, in order to get your audience to convert you need to bring in other marketing strategies to complement the work that you are doing on social media and make sure that your audience is moving through your business in the way that you want them to. 

The truth is that we live in such a fast-paced world now that people often have to see your content multiple times before they decide to do something with it.

This means that sometimes simply posting on social media isn't enough.  Especially if you're in an industry with a lot of competitors who are implementing a multitude of different marketing strategies and tactics.

So if you're ready to up-level your marketing game and you're looking at different ways that you can expand your marketing efforts outside of social media, then here are 6  different ways you can expand your marketing!

1) Utilise your email list!

Email Marketing is a great way to build up relationships with your audience and nurture them to the conversion stage.

If you don't already have an email list I would highly recommend starting one and if you do have one…start emailing them today!  Sending an email to a list of people who are ready and waiting to hear from you is a great way to make more sales!

2)  Give a short training on your Instagram story

If social media is one of your main forms of marketing that is absolutely fine and it can be really effective.  But what is really important is to remember to utilise the diversity that each platform offers you.

So don't just be posting to your grid,  try to utilise things like Instagram stories. 

My biggest piece of advice when it comes to things like stories is to implement a bit of structure so people can start to rely on hearing from you. You can have fun with this and one of the ways I recommend is providing mini trainings or deep dives where you talk through relevant topics for your audience.

Don't forget to make this interactive by utilising stickers and polls!

3) Be active in Facebook groups

If you're already on Facebook, one of the best ways you can drive sales, provide value and expand your audience is by being active in relevant Facebook groups.

I highly recommend carving out some time each week to look through any relevant groups where your target audience might be hanging out and look for any questions people are answering. 

You can then leave a friendly comment helping them out or giving them some advice which not only increases your visibility but positions you as an expert in your industry.

4) Set up paid advertising

Paid ads can be a great way to expand your reach and get your content in front of your dream clients.

If you’re considering running paid ads make sure that you are strategic and specific when it comes to who you are targeting and how you are targeting them. 

Taking the time to see what works and what doesn't is going to work in your favour when it comes to making the most of paid advertising.

5) Guest speak on someone’s podcast

Being a guest expert on someone else's podcast can be a great way to not only connect with your existing audience but expand your audience.

It gives you the unique opportunity to tap into someone else's network and position yourself as someone who has a lot of value to offer and is an authority in the space.  Don't be afraid to reach out to any of your favourite podcasters or biz besties who have their own podcasts and ask to be a guest. 

If you planning to do this, my recommendation is to listen to some of their previous podcast episodes and pitch a few topics that you think would be really beneficial for their audience.

6) Attend a networking event

It’s easy to get swept up in the world of online marketing but it's important to remember that real-life marketing and networking exist too!

One of my favourite ways to market, increase my connections and boost my visibility is by attending in-person networking events. It's an amazing way to meet new people and you never know where these connections may lead you in your business 

My challenge for you is to pick one of these six to try out this week. Let me know how you get on and if you need any advice or have any questions feel free to drop me a DM on Instagram and we can chat! 


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