How I made my client over 1 million pounds in turnover in 365 days as their marketing partner

Marketing is a powerful tool that can truly elevate your business and boost your profits but it also requires consistent effort and careful strategic planning. 

That’s where I come in!

As my client's marketing partner, I’m able to help them devise and implement marketing strategies that help them increase their visibility and generate more income and that’s exactly what I’ve done for this client.

In 2023, I helped them make over 1 million in turnover through marketing. 

Here’s how!

The background

Context is so important when it comes to sharing client success and since I’m a big believer in transparency, I want to give you a bit of background about my client.

They’re an e-commerce product-based business who have been in business for 7 years.

I’ve been working with them for 4 years now and in that time there has been a lot of growth and evolution during that time.

We continuously implemented strategies and looked at what was working and what wasn’t to get to this point!

My role as their marketing partner has been to identify opportunities for them, help create offers that can be translated into their marketing, and manage various marketing channels for them such as organic social media, paid social media and email marketing. 

Let’s look at what I did for each type of marketing and how much it generated in 2023! 

Email Marketing: £766,335

For this client, email marketing is one of their most profitable marketing platforms.

I used Klaviyo to run their email marketing which is an incredible platform which functionality that really allows you to not only send consistent campaigns but also personalise them accordingly. 

Within their email marketing strategy, I set up a two pronged approach for them using automated emails and sequences and general email newsletter campaigns.

Automated emails and sequences 

The automated emails flows/sequences are a big driver for sales, something I would recommend ALL ECOMMERCE businesses have set up!

Here are a selection of the most popular email flows/sequences set up to support their customers at different points of their journey.

These include:

  • Abandoned cart flows- when someone adds products to their cart and then exits the site before buying

  • Welcome series- to welcome customers when they sign up for their email newsletter

  • Browse abandonment- this sequence reminds someone that they’ve viewed a product

  • Thank you flow- to thank anyone who has purchased and provide a discount code to use in the future

  • Exit check out- if someone is about to exit the checkout page, a pop up will show offering a discount and they’ll also get an email sent to them containing the discount to encourage them to come back

  • Landing pages with automated sequences attached

Each of these are automated so once we set them up, they’re able to run without much input.

However, I do regularly check them to ensure they’re working probably and are up to date with the products and offers my client is focusing on. It’s a great idea to refresh them on a regular basis so people don’t get tired of seeing the same information. 

These email automations are a core consistent part of my client's email marketing strategy! In addition to these email automation we also send regular newsletter campaigns, making up a comprehensive email marketing strategy.

General campaigns 

These are the non-automated side of email marketing and for this client include general email newsletters. 

We prepare and write 3 emails a week for this client and because we’ve created sophisticated segments for their email subscribers, we can target specific groups of people when we send out the general newsletter. 

For example, we can send emails to people who have viewed specific products within a certain time period. This is great when we want to push a specific product as we’re able to send specific emails to people who have already shown interest.

This two-pronged strategy generated my client £766,355 in 2023!

Within this, we've also started SMS marketing as well which is generally becoming more popular in 2024.  We've had to be more strategic with this as you can't send as many SMS messages as you would emails but we've noticed a benefit of sending them.

Social Media Marketing 

We’ve also helped maintain their organic socials and set up paid ads as well which has also generated a lot of turnover for my client.

Organic Social Media Content

Although organic social media marketing hasn't been a focus in the marketing work we've been doing for this client, we have kept it ticking over, ensuring content is still posted each week. Your organic social media marketing is an essential marketing strategy.

It’s even more important if you are running paid ads.

Keeping your socials organically alive is crucial as people can see that your account is established and active if they click through to your profile when they see a paid ad.

Having regular content go out on your social media builds connection and boosts confidence in the people who find your page as they'll feel more inclined to reach out if you're seen to be active. 

Essentially, organic social media management sets the foundation for the rest of the marketing strategies to thrive.

Paid Social Media Ads 

Paid Social Media has been a core part of my client's marketing strategy since we've been working together.

We use Meta to run social media ads to help build brand visibility and increase sales.

I've helped create a variety of ad campaigns including the powerful catalogue ads set up. We’ve tried and tested different types of ads and content to see what their audience responds well to and adjust the marketing strategy from there. 

The results have been amazing: 

  • 6,429,684 impressions

  • 344,639 link clicks 

  • A cost per link click of only £0.09 

  • 632 purchases

This resulted in £403,632 in purchase revenue from meta ads during 2023. 

In total, the marketing work I’ve done for this client in 2023 has generated £1,169,987 in turnover!

We had so much growth and this incredible amount of turnover is the result of four years of continuous strategy evolution and hard work.

But there's so much further we can go and I cannot wait to see the success this client achieves in 2024!

If you want to see what your business is capable of achieving through strategic and consistent marketing strategies, click here to find out the different ways we can work together to increase your visibility and profit in 2024.


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