The truth about outsourcing early on in business: Is it the best way to achieve success?

Setting up a new business is no mean feat. Especially when the online world can feel very overwhelming and the second you step into it you’re hit with a thousand and one things that you should be doing!

But this is your reminder that you don't have to do it all from the get-go.  

You don't have to instantly hire a team and you're not supposed to know what you're doing straight away!

One thing about being a business owner is that it is one long journey of learning and honestly, that's part of the fun.

So if you’re a service-based business owner who is either getting ready to start their own business or has just started their business and is dipping their toe into the online world, this blog is for you.

I'm going to share my experience of starting up my own business as well as a few important tips and reminders about marketing in the online space when you're just starting.

So if you've been feeling overwhelmed, stressed and unsure about where to start,  you're in the right place! 

To outsource or not to outsource?

This question about whether to outsource or not as a new business owner can weigh heavily on a lot of people's minds.

This is completely understandable and it's a really good question to be asking yourself.

There's no doubt about it…outsourcing can be a really great way to reduce your workload and grow your business.

However, that does not mean that it's always the best option when you’re first starting out. 

And it definitely isn't your only option.

If you don't feel ready to outsource or you haven't got the budget to work with someone on a done-for-you basis, there is support out there to help you market and grow your own business without having to invest in a marketing specialist, a graphic designer, a copywriter, and add specialist and everything in between!

In fact, in my experience, it's often best to invest in developing your own skills and education before outsourcing.

The benefits of not outsourcing right away 

When I first started my business it was really tempting to try and outsource a lot of tasks. However, at the time I didn't have the budget to do that so I looked for other options.

One of the best things I did was invest in my own education and skill development and I really believe this helped grow my business and set me up for future success when my business got to the stage where I was able to outsource without stretching myself too thin financially.

So if you're in the early stages of running your business, my biggest piece of advice is to invest in courses that are going to help you develop your skills so you can progress your business yourself.

Not only does this improve your skills but it gives you a really great idea of what you like doing yourself,  what you don’t like, what you’re good at and what you aren’t!

Because before you start trying to do things yourself you'll never really know how you feel about that task.

Once you’ve tried a lot of things out for yourself, you'll then be able to easily prioritise what jobs you need to outsource and what additional support you need in your business to make your life a lot easier.

Plus, it will give you a really clear understanding of the value of work the person you outsource to does and will enable you to communicate exactly what you need for them which makes for a much better working relationship in the future!

Also, you might surprise yourself…there is a lot you will be capable of doing, you just need to learn how to do it. 

An exciting announcement 

I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to try and build up your online presence when you're just starting in your business, and I've spent my years as a marketer helping so many clients establish and build an online presence to support their business growth.

Because of this, I've been working on something very exciting…

I have collaborated with an incredible website designer to create a course which is specifically designed to help new service-based business owners begin their online marketing journey with confidence!

We put our heads together to combine our knowledge, our own experiences as business owners and the knowledge of how our clients have needed support from us over the years and created a course that will enable you to set up your own website and establish a foundational marketing strategy to help you grow your online presence with ease!

I'll be sharing a lot more details very soon! 


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