The 3 things you need to focus on to create a successful marketing strategy

When it comes to marketing there is a lot to think about if you want to build a successful marketing strategy that helps you achieve your goals (whatever they may be!).

But one thing I've noticed that a lot of people do is they tend to change tack quite a lot when things don't work out. 

It’s important to have some level of consistency when it comes to marketing and you can't simply change direction every week or every month just because a strategy doesn't appear to be working out initially. 

More often than not, marketing successfully is a long game.  What's really important is having complete clarity over certain elements of your business and building a marketing strategy around that because this will give you more direction and indicate whether or not it is a good idea to switch up your marketing efforts. 

So what are these three elements?  Let's get into it!

Your goals 

One of the most important things to have clarity on when creating a marketing strategy and when evaluating whether or not you need to change things up is your goals.

What are you trying to achieve? 

Is it a certain number of sales?  Is it selling a certain type of program or offer?  Are you trying to build brand awareness or visibility?

Whatever it is, you need to have an overarching goal for at least the next quarter because this will enable you to build a strategy around that goal to ensure that you are doing everything you need to to be meeting it.

Your audience 

To create a solid marketing strategy that helps you achieve your goals, you also need to be really clear on who your audience is and exactly who you are trying to sell to.

One of my biggest tips when it comes to getting clarity around your audience is to create audience personas so you have a very clear idea of who you are selling to. You can then refer back to this whenever you create any marketing strategies or content for your business.

To create that strategy you also need to be clear on who your audience is and who you are selling to.

Think about: 

  • What they like

  • What they dislike

  • Where they’re based

  • What age they are

  • What other types of content are they consuming

  • What kind of questions they would ask 

  • What pain points they have

  • What kind of transformation they’d be looking for

Note all of these down and make sure to consistently refer back to them whenever you create something.

This is going to ensure whatever you create is relevant to your audience!  

Your offer

Now you know your goal and your audience, you also need to be really clear on what you are offering.

Because if you aren't sure about what your offer is, how are you going to be able to communicate how it will to help your audience?

If you're constantly changing your mind about an offer it's going to be just as confusing to your audience as it is to you. 

So take some time to establish these core things about your offer:

  • What is it (the name, who it’s for, why you want to offer it, the price points)

  • What it entails (everything includes, the process)

  • It’s features and benefits (why each part of the offer or everything included is beneficial to your audience)

  • The transformation it provides and the value it’s going to add to their lives

Once you know all of this, you’ll be able to create a strategy that is effective in promoting the offer. You'll also avoid a lot of confusion and ensure that your message is resonating with the people you're trying to connect with.

If you're just starting out and you're trying to determine a signature offer or you have loads of ideas for services but don’t know what one to market first, my biggest piece of advice is to start with one and get clear on what that involves and how you can market it successfully.

Once you've nailed that you can then introduce upsells and downsells and expand your offer suite.

This is what I did. I’ve been running my business for 8 years now but my signature offer of social media management is still my most successful offering. It was also the only service I offered for the first 3 years. 

This enabled me to practise my marketing for my own business and get clear on what my audience needed and what they responded well to, which helped me to market in the future!

I truly believe that a lot of the success in my business came down to creating a signature offer,  getting crystal clear on my goals and understanding my audience.

This way I knew that if something wasn't working there was a reason and I was able to make appropriate changes and adjustments to my strategy. I wasn't just changing things all the time and hoping that something would stick.

If you're ready to develop your marketing and create a strategy that works for you, your business and your audience, you can book a free discovery call using this link and we can chat about how we could work together to elevate your business. 


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