Marketing is subjective: Here’s what this means for your business!

Marketing is very subjective.

By this, I mean that there is a lot of room for interpretation and opinion when it comes to marketing and this occurs at many different levels.

From how you perceive something, to how a professional marketer perceives something and even how your audience perceives something.

But, marketing being subjective isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, it is something you need to be aware of. 

So whether you have been marketing for a while or you are trying out some new ways to market your business, here are some things to keep in mind.

Your views about how you market might be different to others

When it comes to doing your own marketing for your business it can be really hard to be objective.

It doesn't matter whether you are creating marketing materials and developing a strategy yourself or whether you're paying someone else to do it. It can be difficult to not let your personal preferences override other important factors.

What you need to remember when it comes to your marketing is that it is about testing what's right for your audience and looking at what the results are telling you rather than going off what you think will perform well or not.

It’s also important to remember that marketing isn't a magic wand and results don’t always come instantly.

So you need to be prepared to test different strategies and be open to experimenting a bit. You want to rely on strategy but also take note of the data and be careful not to compare yourself to other businesses.

Because what might work for someone else might not work for you!

The most important thing when it comes to your marketing, especially in the beginning, is to not be too precious over your content.  You want to make sure your content feels aligned with your business and your branding but you also need to be focusing on your audience and what is resonating with them

Different marketers might have different strategies and opinions 

If you're looking to professional marketers for marketing advice or are thinking about outsourcing your marketing, it's important to remember that different marketers are going to have different opinions.

Don't get caught up in following every piece of marketing advice you see and if you are speaking to professional marketers to discuss strategy remember that the strategy could differ depending on the marketer, their experience and their opinions.

So, if you're trying to figure out who to hire, my advice is to look at things like whether their values match yours, whether their knowledge aligns with what you need them for and if they have relevant experience in your industry. 

Just remember that simply because different people have varying strategies, doesn't mean that one way is better than another but you have to be open to trying different ways! Things might not work the first time you try something or a certain strategy and that's completely fine and even normal! A lot of marketing is about testing, readjusting strategy and trying again.

Your audience will have different interpretations 

Just like how you will have different ideas about what is a good post or an effective strategy, your audience will too. 

Marketing is subjective and it's something that we have to take into account when we are marketing our businesses; perception of what we do will change based on who is seeing it. 

What I mean by this is that someone might see your post on Facebook and think ‘Perfect! That's absolutely brilliant, I'm really interested in that’ and someone else might just scroll past it straight away.

This is why it's so important to have a strategy to follow, have a clear idea about exactly who you are targeting with your marketing and be prepared to change tactics and switch things up based on the data. 

If you want to chat about what could be a good marketing strategy for you and how having a professional marketer work with you could benefit your business, I offer free discovery calls where we can chat about whether we would be the right fit and how you can market your business in a way that feels aligned but strategic! Click here to book!


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