9 things that will increase your website traffic and sales potential

If you’re expecting lots of traffic to your website or your business, now is the perfect time to optimise your marketing systems to maximise the impact of this influx of traffic for the best!

First impressions really do count, especially when it comes to someone's first impression of your business. 

So whether you’re running a webinar, appearing on a podcast or even going on Dragons Den, you need to prepare yourself and your business for this increased traffic. 

Here are 9 things you can do to ensure you leave an amazing first impression on everyone who visits your website/social media during this time. 

Check everything is working as it should 

First things first, you need to do a run-through of your website and check that everything is operating as it's supposed to. 

Check that all of the buttons work and lead to the right places and that your contact form is up and running correctly as well.

This is essential as you’re making sure the user journey is seamless for anyone who visits your site and that they can easily get in touch with you. 

Create a welcome pop-up to provide incentives to stick around 

You want to ensure you’re maximising the additional traffic you have on your site and one of the best ways to do this is to create a welcome pop-up on your website that appears whenever someone visits your site.

This could encourage them to sign up to your email list or even give them a welcome discount! 

Whatever it is, make sure it grabs their attention and encourages them to spend more time on your site. 

Make it easy for people to subscribe to your email list 

You want to capture people's attention while you have it so if you’re expecting more traffic to your site, one of the best things you can do is encourage them to sign up to your email list. This way you have a direct way of contacting them through your email marketing later down the line. 

The easiest way to do this is to embed a signup form at the bottom of each of your website pages or, include it in your welcome pop-up. 

Alternatively, you could direct people to a bespoke landing page where they can sign up there.

But whatever you do, keep the signup process simple. 

The important part is that you collect their data while you can so you can use it in your future marketing.

Create a welcome sequence for your email list 

Once people sign up for your email newsletter, it’s important to have a sequence in place that automatically gets sent to them. 

This leaves them with an even better impression and means you’re nurturing them from the get-go. 

It’s a brilliant way for them to get to know you and your products while giving you the unique opportunity to get to know them by asking them questions so you can segment your list so you can tailor your future marketing specifically to them.

Set up your Pixel and Data Sets 

Whether you currently run ads or not, it’s a great idea to get your pixel set up on your website so you can collect more detailed information about the people visiting your website. 

Then if you do decide to run a retargeting campaign in the future, you’ll be able to target those who have already engaged in your business and are likely to have more success! 

Pin your important posts on your social media channels

This is such a simple but effective thing to do if you’re expecting lots of new traffic in your business. 

The reason pinning posts is important is because they’ll become the first thing people see when they click on your social media.

This allows you to control what information they see first and helps you to create a stronger first impression. I’d consider pinning posts that highlight your products/services or allow people to get to know more about you or any posts that have performed particularly well in the past

Update your story highlights and post to your feed

This is another simple but effective task to complete before you expect to see more traffic.

Not only does this ensure things are up-to-date and fresh on your social media, but it shows that you’re active and will encourage people to stick around. 

If they visit your profile for the first time and see that you haven't posted in a few years, it doesn’t leave a great impression. 

Install analytics trackers 

Making sure you have systems or software in place to track the analytics on your website and social media is essential.

This can help you maximise the traffic and use the data to inform future marketing campaigns. 

You can evaluate the data and see what journeys people are taking which can give you valuable insight on anything you might need to improve as well! 


One of the most important things to do is engage and be active when it comes to receiving all this traffic.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to network and form new connections with people.

So be active, enjoy all of the new eyes on your business and show them what you’re all about!
If you want help in planning your marketing strategy to truly maximise any expected traffic so you can use it to grow your business and elevate your success, get in touch because I would love to help you reach your full potential through your marketing!


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